Jacqueline Tran

People Faculty Students Alumni Awards Student Awards In Memoriam Home Jacqueline Tran RAMP’2023 Future Engineer, Rising Senior Lowell High School, Lowell, MA Francis College of Engineering Research Interests One big problem that I see in our world is with security and making sure everyone is safe online and in person. There are many malicious people […]
Naira Sanchez

People Faculty Students Alumni Awards Student Awards In Memoriam Home Naira Sanchez RAMP’2023 Rising Senior at Lawrence High School – Future Engineer Francis College of Engineering Research Interests I want to work on building safer architectural structures for people to live in. Skills Artistic Creative Speak 2 languages (English and Spanish), Maker, Drawing, Painting, and […]
Antonio Hbaiter

People Faculty Students Alumni Awards Student Awards In Memoriam Home Antonio Hbaiter RAMP’2023 Undergraduate Student in Computer Engineering Francis College of Engineering Research Interests Helping people that can’t or aren’t able to help themselves because of certain restrictions (such as money). Skills Building LEGO sets Playing video games, Coding in various languages (Java, Python, HTML, […]
Lili Bottan

People Faculty Students Alumni Awards Student Awards In Memoriam Home Lili Bottan RAMP’2023 Undergraduate Student in Civil Engineering Francis College of Engineering Research Interests My passion is green energy and sustainability. I think that is where the world needs to focus if we want a habitable earth for future generations. I want to make passive […]
Neel Makuden

People Faculty Students Alumni Awards Student Awards In Memoriam Home Neel Makuden RAMP’2023 Future Engineer Junior at Lowell High School Francis College of Engineering Research Interests I’m interested in clearing space debris and junk. I believe that if humanity wants to travel to space and colonize the Moon and planets like Mars, we must fist […]
Nischay Singh

People Faculty Students Alumni Awards Student Awards In Memoriam Home Nischay Singh RAMP’2023 Future Engineer Junior at Andover High School Francis College of Engineering Research Interests A big problem I want to work on is combating the spread of misinformation. I am passionate about solving this problem because I believe that everyone deserves to have […]
Calvin Silver

People Faculty Students Alumni Awards Student Awards In Memoriam Home Calvin Silver RAMP’2023 Future Engineer Senior at Chelmsford High School Francis College of Engineering Research Interests Working with cybersecurity on a project to make data travel safer and less easily corruptible. Skills Reading Learning Curiosity Athletics Video Editing Programming Biography I’m looking to get into […]
Janie Wu

Menu People Faculty Students Alumni Awards Student Awards In Memoriam Home Janie Wu RAMP’2023 Undergraduate Student in Biomedical Engineering Francis College of Engineering Contact Email: janie_wu@student.uml.edu Research Interests I want to create prosthetics that aid people who have missing/lost limbs using brain-computer interfaces. I am also interested in making other medical devices. Skills Learning Sports […]
Nell Neary

Menu People Faculty Students Alumni Awards Student Awards In Memoriam Home Nell Neary RAMP’2023 Undergraduate student in Industrial Engineering Francis College of Engineering Research Interests I want to make an eco-friendly car. Eventually the earth will run out of oil and pollution is killing life. The car will have advanced technology, but not a self […]