Center for Advanced Computation and Telecommunications


Center for Advanced Computation and Telecommunications

CACT was created in 1990 by Professors Charles Thompson and Venkatarama Krishnan in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering with a vision to support students and faculty in interdisciplinary research, education and service.  Our research focus is on computational modeling of acoustic, communications and stochastic systems.  In the last three decades, over two hundred students from CACT have graduated with degrees in Electrical, Computer Engineering and Computer Science gaining experience in undergraduate and graduate research. The Center promotes the engagement of students in community service and supports their development as mentors and role models. 

Recent Activities


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New Graduate Certificate
Engineering Data Analytics

Designed and taught by CACT Faculty, four three credit courses provide engineering students requisite background in:  (i) Probability and stochastic processes (EECE 5840); (ii) Algorithmic theory and performance of regression and classification functions (EECE 5440) for machine learning; (iii) Time-series analysis and state-space modeling of stochastic systems (EECE 5470) and (iv) Methods for decision making and optimization under uncertainty (EECE 5490). Contact Prof. Kavitha Chandra for more information. 

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NSF Innovations in Graduate Education
Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering

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New Graduate Certificate
Engineering Data Analytics

Designed and taught by CACT Faculty, four three credit courses provide engineering students requisite background in:  (i) Probability and stochastic processes (EECE 5840); (ii) Algorithmic theory and performance of regression and classification functions (EECE 5440) for machine learning; (iii) Time-series analysis and state-space modeling of stochastic systems (EECE 5470) and (iv) Methods for decision making and optimization under uncertainty (EECE 5490). Contact Prof. Kavitha Chandra for more information. 

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NSF Innovations in Graduate Education
Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering

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