Center for Advanced Computation and Telecommunications

Aidan Keefe

Undergraduate Student in Electrical Engineering

Francis College of Engineering

Abhiram Reddy Chepyala


Computational and Physical Acoustics,  Data Analytics, Engineering Education


  • MATLAB, C, SPICE, PIC-32 Assembly
  • Familiar with: Python
  • Laboratory: Oscilloscope, Function Generator, benchtop equipment, Analog Discovery, Soldering

Aidan Keefe is an undergraduate student studying Electrical Engineering in Massachusetts and has successfully been admitted into the master’s program. He joined the lab through an Immersive Scholarship. He is currently working as an Undergraduate Research Assistant in the CACT lab.

Affiliated Groups

  • Acoustical Society of America


  • M.A. (’25) Electrical Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • B.S. (’24) Electrical Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Honors & Awards 

  • Honors student, Magna Cum Laude
  • Dean’s List Recognition (’20, ’21, ’22)
  • Immersive Scholar

Work, Research, Academic Experience

  • Undergraduate Research Assistant (Spring 2022 – Current): CACT, University of Massachusetts Lowell  – advised by Prof. Thompson and Prof. Chandra in various problems in Acoustics. He currently conducts research on the formation of striations in fine particles and analyzing their response to air vibrations, investigating the speed of sound in a fluidized bed, and modeling acoustic streaming.
  • Research and Mentoring Academic Pathways (Summer 2022): Student Mentor for the RAMP program, which focuses on promoting the education of underrepresented students in the engineering field. He assisted these students in their calculus, python, and lab courses, and led a research team of six in analyzing magnetic gears and how they can be implemented in the engineering workforce.


Grace RemillardAidan KeefeNguyen LeCharles ThompsonKavitha Chandra; RAMP summer bridge: Room acoustics: Connecting research, academics and mentoring. J Acoust Soc Am 1 October 2022; 152 (4): A254.

Charles ThompsonKavitha ChandraEmi AokiAidan Keefe; Acoustic streaming in the cochlea. J Acoust Soc Am 1 April 2022; 151 (4): A272.


Telephone: (978)-270-4941                                                               Email: