1992 Kavitha Chandra
Asymptotic solutions and probabilistic characterization for ultrasonic scattering in biological media (thompson, ece)
1992 Ifen Yang
Globally synchronized distributed first-in first-out protocols for high-speed networks (kim, cs)
1993 Geol-u Ryu
Output locality switch (OLS) for ATM networks (kim, cs)
1993 Iiyoung Chong
ATM traffic control at burst level (kim, cs)
1993 Himanshu Bhatnagar
NCLIPS: An architecture that integrates neural networks and rule-based knowledge representation (steele, cs)
1993 Ali Rafieymehr
Integrating visualization into massively parallel environments (steele, cs)
1993 Jie Yao
On computations and algorithms for the Gabor transform (steele, cs)
1993 Paul E. Kenison
RESLOG: Logic programming with resolution (gumb, cs)
1994 Arun Mulpur
Modeling and control of optical fiber variations (thompson, ece)
1994 Edward Riley
CASYS: An object-oriented CASE tool for developing high-reliability software (steele, cs)
1995 Kamonpet Patiwat
Probabilistic image reconstructions from noisy and incomplete projections. (krishnan, ece)
1996 Ping Wang
Computational algorithms for cell loss ratio in ATM networks with bursty source (kim, cs)
1996 Vineet Mehta
Instability and chaotic motion in an oscillatory boundary layer (thompson,ece)
1996 Sylvia Isler
Modeling and simulation of ultrasonic wave propagation. (thompson, cs)
1997 Ling Xu
Probabilistic reconstruction of tomographic images – a statistical approach. (krishnan, ece)
1997 Bongseog Jang
Threshold autoregressive models with application to video traffic. (thompson,ece)
1997 Eduardo J. Urbina
EGA: A pattern recognition architecture to perform empirical goal analysis (steele,cs)
1997 Enrique Alvarez
Intelligent connectionist pattern recognition system: The partial implementation of Expert Netvis a user-driven data exploration system (steele, cs)
1998 Anthony Kozloff
Improved acoustic scattering model for medical imaging. (thompson,ece)
1998 Bo-Kyoung Kim
Optimal feedback control of ABR traffic in ATM networks. (thompson, cs)
1998 Sudha Mulpur
Adaptive traffic shaping for multiplexed variable bit rate video traffic. (thompson, cs)
1998 Luis E. Valles
Inspection intelligent agent to establish equipment and component optimum replacement in productive process (steele, cs)
1999 Yeong-Min Jang
Predictive traffic management and buffer dimensioning in broadband wireless networks (kim, cs)
2000 Andres A. Monterrosas
DYCOCOP: Dynamic Congestion Control Protocol for ATM ( kim, cs)
2000 Jimmie Davis
Performance models for correlated traffic data (krishnan, ece)
2001 Hsin-Chun Yu
Reinforcement learning based admission control in wireless CDMA networks ( kim, cs)
2002 Youngheon Kim
Adaptive hybrid ARQ using convolutional and turbo codes on fading channels, and its application to the third-generation wireless communications ( kim, cs)
2003 Hark-Sang Kim
Measurement and model based characterization of indoor wireless channels (chandra, ece)
2003 Prachee Sharma
Predictive models for wireless fading channels (chandra, cs)
2004 Hanjoon Cho
Development of OFDM PAR reduction technique and application on STC-OFDM via tone reservation ( kim, cs)
2005 Jung-Rim Hyun
Optimal rate control and source estimation ( kim-thompson, cs)
2005 Sei-Hyung
Selection of Gaussian kernel widths and fast cluster labeling for support vector clustering (daniels, cs)
2006 Mital Parikh
Characterizing node availabbility and connectivity of a hybrid optical/rf airbone network (chandra, ece)
2008 Miroslava Raspopovic
Performance models for shared radio spectrum (thompson,chandra ece)
2009 Jing Tsui
Analysis of beam steering by diffraction and the scattering of light by turbulence (thompson, ece)
2009 Kassiani Kotsidou
Acoustical modeling of micro-transducer arrays (thompson, ece)
2009 Sania Salahuddin
Statistical characterization of an indoor ultra-wideband wireless channel ( thompson, cs)
2009 Minsoo Park
Reduced alphabet of amino acids and its application to alternative splicing detection (kim, cs)
2012 Max Denis
A unified treatment of the acoustic and elastic scattered was from fluid-elastic media (thompson, ece)
2013 Darlene Fleming Barker
An Eulerian path approach to next-generation DNA sequencing with pre-sorted reads (kim,cs)
2013 Adam Russell
Formulation and application of radial visualization properties (daniels,cs)
2014 Hengky Susanto
Congestion control with QoS through network utility maximization (kim,cs)
2015 Ambika Bhatta
Acoustic impulse response of a closed empty rectangular room (thompson, ece)
2015 Asye Kalkan-Savoy
Strain measurement in an ultrasound simulation framework (thompson, ece)
2015 Shu Ye
Constrained Delaunay meshing for printed circuit board visulaization and electromagnetic analysis (daniels,cs)
2015 Robert Marceau
Partitioning data to minimize cluster overlap using multiple visualization views (daniels, cs)
201x Vincente DelGaudio Multichannel echo cancellation (thompson, ece)
201x Elaine Vejar Acoustic scattering from bone tissue (thompson,chandra ece)
201x Pratik Gandhi (chandra,ece)
201x Nicholas Misiunas (chandra, ece)
201x Hui Zhou Fast multipole Pade approach to wave scattering analysis (thompson,ece)
201x Peter Asuzu (thompson,ece)
201x Barbara Deschamp Metabolic flux analysis and modeling (chandra,ece)
201x Aydin Sadeqi (chandra,ece)
201x Elaheh Noursadeghi (raptis,me)
201x Mehmet Guney (raptis, me)
1989 Martin Manley Stability of Stagnation Flows ( thompson, ece)
1989 Vineet Mehta Fluid motion and hydrodynamic stability of semiconductor melts. (thompson,ece)
1991 Tham Le Investigation of hidden Markov models for speech recognition (thompson,ece)
1991 Ayse Kalkan Neural network coordinate transformer. (fiddy-thompson , ece)
1991 Terrence Champion Estimation and synthesis of 2.4 KBPS LPC-10 parameters using sinusoidal transform coder techniques ( krishnan, ece)
1992 George Tasiopoulos Scientific visualization of two dimensional time evolving fields (thompson,ece)
1992 Chao Hsu Algorithms for scattered ultrasonic fields from inhomogeneous materials chandra-thompson
1993 Bo-Kyoung Kim Simulation study of weighted round-robin queueing policy ( kim, cs)
1993 Alia Haider Image compression using wavelet transform. ( thompson, ece)
1993 Ajay Muplur Shockpropagation models with spectral mulidomian methods and flux-corrected transport (thompson, me)
1995 Vardhani Harpanahalli Burst detection in packet data transmission. (thompson,ece)
1995 Ananda Chakravarty Spatial analysis of stability for disturbances in stagnation flow (thompson,ece)
1995 Weihong Gao Image coding using wavelet based HR filter banks. (thompson, ece)
1996 Matthew Bush Modeling and control of a 144 KW dual stage inverter. (mulpur-thompson, ece)
1996 Radivojevic Dusan Diffusion corrected optical flow. (thompson,ece)
1998 Tolga Eren Dynamic analysis of tethered satellite systems (chandra, ece)
1998 Nancy Tharakan Acoustic Echo cancellation (thompson, ece)
1999 Chun You time series models for internet data traffic. (chandra, ece)
1999 Ping Zhou Delay estimation and control of available bit rate (ABR) sources. (thompson-bo kim,ece)
2000 Gbenga Olowoyeye Workload models for HTTP servers (chandra, ece)
2000 Mital Parikh Traffic metrics for adaptive routing. (chandra, ece)
2000 Parita Amin Infinite impulse response filter based models of room acoustic (thompson,ece)
2001 Sa Liu Channel assignment for time-varying demand ( daniels, cs )
2002 Shekhar S. Kshirsager Feasibility study of soft available bit rate (SABR) routing in Internet (kim, cs)
2002 Sintayehu Dehnie TCP performance over wireless fading channels. (chandra, ece)
2003 Deepak Garg Differentiated services and MPLS integration proposal, 2001–2003 ( kim, cs)
2003 Miroslava Raspopovic Exact image theory for ultra-wideband pulse reflections. (thompson,ece)
2003 Jing Tsui Network performance of audio streaming servers ( thompson, ece )
2003 Jyotsna Basana Asymptotic approximations for the effective bandwidth of a Markovian process. (thompson,ece)
2004 Vasudevan Vijayakalshmi Wireless channel characterization and modeling (chandra, ece)
2003 Rajani Pakalapati Network traffic analysis identifying invariant features in Internet traffic (chandra, ece)
2004 Max Denis A model for indoor wireless channels (thompson,ece)
2004 Hetalbin Patel A rigid sphere model for the head-related transfer function and its application to audio signal processing (thompson,ece)
2004 Estella Pham Indoor Wireless channel estimation (chandra, ece)
2005 Sirisha Myneni LAN Traffic analysis and effective bandwidth calculation (chandra, ece)
2005 Keyur Joshi TCP performance emulation for lossy communication channels (chandra, ece)
2005 Ben England A partition-based heuristic for translational orthotope covering problems (daniels,cs)
2006 Neha Dhar Analysis of channel perfomance for binary signaling (thompson,ece)
2010 Wei-En Hsu Measurement and modeling of ultra-wideband indoor wireless channels (chandra,ece)
2010 Lavanya Kakireddy Performance analysis of software defined radio (chandra,ece)
2010 Amibka Bhatta An analysis of scattering form a reentrant wedge (thompson,ece)
2011 Raji Remany Investigation of pilot tone detection in spectrum sensing (chandra,thompson,ece)
2011 Jason M’Sadoques Regarding an alternative method for translational single-item containment (daniels, cs)
2012 Barbara Deschamp Modeling the mechanical vibration and current flow in carbon nanotubes (chandra thompson,ece)
2013 Pratik Gandhi A sensing and transmission model for spectrum sharing (chandra,ece)
2013 Nicholas Misiunas Spectrum sharing policies with adjacent channel constraints (chandra, ece)
2013 Megha Sunny Acoustic streaming in a channel bifurcated by an elastic membrane (thompson,ece)
2013 Dhani Ramya Student analytics for course recommendation (daniels,cs)
2014 Katherine Aho Fluid motion in the cochlea resulting from bone conducted stimulation (thompson,ece)
2014 Benjamin Woodward Performance optimization of radial basis function support vector machines (thompson,ece)
2015 Nita Nagdewate Application of fast multipole method
201x Jenny Au Nonuniformly spaced arrays (thompson,ece)
201x Chisna Nguon
201x Cory Miniter
201x Paula Cavalcanti
201x Ololade Mudasiru
201x Sameera Mogulla
201x Janki Soni